Book Drive

“Thank you , it is SO good to have books”

Donate by using our Gofundme for Books

Its amazing what a simple used $5 novel can do.  For its desperate times in our COVID hotspot jail.  Most sections are locked down, meaning women and men often spend 20 hours or more locked in their cages.  Its mass solitary confinement endangering everyone’s health and sanity.  After freedom now, persons inside most often ask for books.  Science fiction, novels of every description,  history books, dictionaries, large print bibles and Korans.  The joy they bring is incalculable:

“Having crossword books is wonderful… I get to actually engage my brain and think! It is a mindless sad existence here… thank you again”

The Book a Month Club provides one book at $15.00 or under by request for those incarcerated in the BC jail. Coordinator Victoria Delaney takes requests from the JUST visiting/calling crew, letter, or the GettingOut website, and has the books sent, according to jail mandates, directly to the individual at no expense to them. The program has been supported solely by donations.

You can donate by using our Gofundme for Books, or by check paid to “Justice and Unity for the Southern Tier”, JUST, POB 93, Bible School Park, NY 13737. Please specify you want your donation to go to books. If you want to request a book for someone inside BC jail please write to Victoria Delaney c/o JUST, PO Box 93, Bible School Park, NY 13737. 

All donations to the book drive are tax-deductible.